Photo credit: Emma Gossett
Phew! When I think of this year, the image of an obstacle course springs to mind!
I do hope that you still have enough resilience in the tank during this latest wave of restrictions, and that your business is OK for now.
To be honest with you, I had a bit of a wobble recently, when our daughter was asked to self-isolate for 2 weeks after being in contact with someone who tested positive at school… So I had my ‘pity party’ for a few days, but now I’m just grateful that we’re all OK and that I learnt how to juggle work and homeschooling earlier this year.
Back to business!
As you may have read before, I got my lightbulb moment about Holisto during our first lockdown, back in June. That’s when I realised that I wanted to keep running my business the way Mother Nature does it, wholesomely and sustainably.
In that spirit and following the cycle of our seasons here in the Northern Hemisphere, I’d like to invite you to take some time, to pause and reflect on your brand, or the brand you manage.
Instead of the blooming exuberance of spring and summer, this is a time when Nature goes to sleep. This is a time when plants and trees concentrate their energy in their roots, in readiness for the next flowering cycle.
You can mirror this when working on your brand, and I have a few tools that you may find helpful.
Now is a great time to revisit the roots of your business/brand: your Why?, your Mission, as well as your Beliefs and Values. Do they still hold true after these incredibly challenging months, what has shifted and how?
If you set up your own business, chances are that you will know what needs addressing once you take the time to stop and review these things.
If you are not the founder of the business you work for, go and spend some time with the owner to review and agree a way forward.
And if you are working on a well established brand, but the founder is no longer with you, going back to the business archives can be a very useful exercise, as you (re)discover the motives behind the creation of the business, and the people who had a very strong influence on the brand in its early days. You may find that the course of action has somehow deviated, and that Vision, Mission, Beliefs and Values, in the face of a new external environment, need to be reinforced or readjusted.
If you need help with reviewing the roots of your brand, I can assist you with my Sow the Seeds of Success programme, which will put you on the right footing for 2021. Have a look and get in touch if you're interested, we will have a preliminary chat to assess how best I can help you.
Oh and whilst you're here, I wanted to let you know that I just launched my new Facebook group, The Holisto Branding Haven for small businesses. It’s completely FREE, and over the next few weeks I will build a bank of resources for you to access. Do come and join us if you haven't yet!
Well that’s it from me for today, wishing you a replenishing season and the making of strong and beautiful roots ahead of 2021!